Saturday, August 3, 2013

DIY Crate Coffee Table

A Pinterest Inspiration!

I saw this coffee table scrolling through Pinterest one day and absolutely loved it! I have to be careful when I find something on Pinterest that says "DIY...sometimes it's more like "Jennifer can't do this herself!" and I really didn't do this by myself to be honest ;) Here is the original picture I found.

I did some more research on Google to see if I could find more of an "How To" on this "DIY" coffee table. I came across another Blogger who had step-by-step directions. So I followed her directions and changed a few things. Here is her blog so you can check it out yourself Honestly Dyea.

I found the crates at Michael's, they are around $14 a piece so I just used the 40% coupon on them and they came out to around $7 and some odd change. Technically, you could just lay out the crates and wood glue them together but...I wanted to make mine a little more sturdy so I followed her directions to make a base out of 2x4x8 for the table that looks like this...

(Photo From: Honestly Dyea)

I suggest printing this picture out and finding the first man you see, (in my case it was my dad) and say...make this for me please! Chances are...any man can make this without directions. Just have your crates already laid out so they can measure the dimensions. 

I actually stained the crates and the base separate before I put it all together, but it is really personal preference! I went to Lowe's and got some stain that already had the protective clear coat in it. I am sure it has fancy Lowe's name, but I can't remember. It big complaints except it was kinda hard to work with because it was so dang sticky. So, my advice is to just stain however makes your heart happy.
(Photo From: Honestly Dyea)

Secure the crates on the base and whaaaa la! It should look like a table. There is a whole in the center you can add a shelf. My dad cut a piece of plywood to fit down in the square and added some brackets so the wood would sit securely. He also made the feet out of left over 2x4's so the feet would be square! Here is what mine looks like in our apartment.


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